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(philly term);

someone who pulls people, or attracts a handful of people.

she a little sniper”

my fav sniper”

by lux. October 14, 2019


A guy that can get the ladies easily without breaking a sweat.

Yo bro u see that jawn over there? Yea I’d already sniped. Oh ard my guy really a sniper fr yamean

by Ur CHAMO favorite September 30, 2019


This is a man with a big cock, like a thanos 69 inch dragon dildo type shit

hes also a very nice man (: muwah

rando: sniper has a thanos cock...
another rando: nice ;)

by heloh July 15, 2021


Anyone who knows Exactly what they want, locks their sight on the 'target', and usually Gets it in 'one shot'--because they are That good.

Traditionally, this slang word pertains to Females who are Very good at doing this; and their target is usually a GOAL, a JOB, or a MAN. (Usually a Man, thus justifying the slang word's ongoing Growth in pop culture.)

"What?! You mean JLo got that gig performing at the Halftime Show AND she killed it ?? Daaammn, she is the ultimate Sniper!"

by Sexy Gwenn April 13, 2020


the name sniper is the most hottest name ever you will be lucky to have him omgomgomgggggg like bro pls marry me sniper hi sniper ur so hottttttttt sniper so hottootototot oooo ily sniperrr

sniper: hey ladies
"omg HIIII sniper youre so hotttttttt omg"

by Shoto_X_Froppy August 22, 2021


Sniper means to steal something, to rob something

I snipered a cigarette off you earlier sorry!

by alexandria69 July 23, 2023


A South Floridian term to describe an alpha male who secretly fucks everyone’s girl but doesn’t kiss and tell similar to a sniper hitting a target without being found

Be careful not to leave your girl around T.J he’s a sniper

by GoodeKoby June 12, 2022