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Type of person to steal ur pretzels and hide them all over the room

Sofia where did u put my pretzels

by Garlic and whine August 19, 2022


the best girl in the world lord she is amazing and rocks like hell

who is that
it’s “sofia”
girl! get it
wow who’s sofia
she is a goddess

by haebae! December 1, 2021


They type of shawty to not care ab nothing, except for you;). Can be dirty but looks innocent af. Dresses like a random mf from the hood named Jalen wearing xxxl tracksuits from the men's department. Looks wholesome even and is nice to everybody even tho she can be distant at times or laugh at you. Eats twice the amount you eat and doesn't get fat.

damn bruh that sofia?

No, sofia is way coolee

by iosonochris November 20, 2021


Is a very petty, but also has the nicest smile you’ll ever find. She’s nice (at times) and never seems to let you down when you’re in need of a good laugh. She’s also into broads only so make sure you’re both good in bed and nice on the eyes *cough cough*

Ur such a sofia *moans*

by Two can Sam April 11, 2022


A kind amazing thoughtful and caring person who nice to talk to and a amazing friend and is always there to talk to you all around just amazing

Sofia is so amazing and beautiful

by Xx619xX December 18, 2021


A reason to live. She’s the kind of girl you need in your life. She is loyal, smart, beautiful, funny, brave, determined, helpful, etc. She says she hates her name, I love every single letter of it. She may seem mean at first, but when you get to know her, she is the best. When you mess with her, you won’t get away with it. She also tries to not blow up and get mad easily, but for Sofia, sometimes it just can’t be helped. When you find a Sofia, never let her go. She gets all the hot guys. She will constantly make you laugh just by her laugh. She can talk for 2 hours- she’s super chatty. She has such a big heart and she tries to make sure everyone is having fun and is happy. All boys think about her. Sofia deserves so much more because she is truly the best. She makes friends super easily. She is the best friend you could ever ask for and make sure not to loose her. Everyone loves her, she’s #1. At first, she is a little shy. Sofia is the prettiest girl ever.

Make Sofia your best friend for life

by Made..by..me.... November 23, 2021


A reason to live. She’s the kind of girl you need in your life. She is loyal, smart, beautiful, funny, brave, determined, helpful, etc. She says she hates her name, I love every single letter of it. She will constantly make you laugh just by her laugh. She can talk for 2 hours- she’s super chatty. All boys think about her. Sofia deserves so much more because she is truly the best. She makes friends super easily. She is the best friend you could ever ask for and make sure not to loose her. At first, she is a little shy. She gets all the hot guys. She may seem mean at first, but when you get to know her, she is the best. When you mess with her, you won’t get away with it. She also tries to not blow up and get mad easily, but for Sofia, sometimes it just can’t be helped. Sofia is the prettiest girl ever.

Make Sofia be your best friend ever”.

by Made..by..me.... November 23, 2021