The one idiot who spends his money making a golden gauntlet and achieve "world peace." And somehow doesn't die from a big slice in the chest.
Thanos:You should have gone for the head. *snaps* *teleports away*
A giant prune wondering around space with a shiny styrofoam glove and gay rocks.
Thanos has a nice rock collection
a guy looking for some shiny stuff to kill 50% of all bacteria
thanos made worldpanics by killing 50%of all life
An evil raisin that is trying to collect some rainbow colored stones to wipe out half the universe
A prune that tried to put on makeup an just make himself more like a prune the real reason why he wants to make the universe 50% off is beacase there will be less people to make fun of him. And also less people to make fun of his shiny rock collection an his historical oven mitt. And has back problems because he sits on a $5 throne that is made up out of rocks.
Boy: Ha Ha you have a prune for a head
Woman: how dare you snap my son out of existence
Thanos: AHHH
single dad tries to solve world with his rock collection
Thanos: "Should've gone for the head"