Basically the people who are left behind in society in Britain, they often wear the same tracksuits and stuff, they might either have a Cex drawstring bag around them or a JD sports drawstring bag around them. They can be kinda racist too, I was once told to “go back to my country” by chav, chavs made up most of the BNP voters and a lot of EDL supporters were chavs, there is such thing as football chavs to which are basically chavs but there insanely into football
That chav just stole my damn bike
A person unworthy of basic human rights and are also probably unaware of such things. Their innate abilities are formed early in life, when they develop skills such as stealing, which progresses into full blown robbery of the taxpayer when they come of age to spawn offspring. Though they have been considered vile creatures in the last decade, the past few years have seen the chav become a stylish social class and members of the chav cult have been renowned for relying on mainstream media to know of their news, music, etc. Celebrities and 'pop' stars are also responsible for producing chavs with their disgusting art. Indeed, the chav has truly evolved into a body of persons who believe themselves glamour deities and socialites. If it weren't for their inability to use their brain and think for themselves, chavs would be an almost acceptable spectacle to society. Numbers of chavs have improved with social media as well, using sites such as facebook, twitter and others to share their repugnant exploits with the world.
"Hey Becky, have you got yer Juicy trackies and rollers yet?"
"Waiting on them."
"You're such a chav." The first girl says, listening to her pop music and texting her 'older' more 'mature' boyfriend who reckons he's all 'ard' using her blackberry bold.
A particular stereotype of anti-social youth dressed in sportswear. The word was popularised in the first decade of the 21st century by the British mass media to refer to an anti-social youth subculture in the United Kingdom. The Oxford English Dictionary defines chav as an informal British derogatory, meaning "a young lower-class person who displays brash and loutish behaviour and wears real or imitation designer clothes". The derivative chavette has been used to refer to females, and the adjectives chavvy, chavvish and chavtastic have been used in relation to items designed for or suitable for use by chavs. Good, chavvy names could include "Charlie", "JP", and "Tom".
A British stereotype.
Chavs are a relic from the 2000s characterized by violent and loud behaviour, being uneducated, living in low-income council estates / having a low-income, and wearing cheap sportswear brands. If something is of poor taste, chavs are all over it. Most chavs from the 2000s either grew out of it or became losers who peaked in high school.
chav: oiiiii long time no see mate, can ye giveiz a fag innit
Jamie, you're 27. Stop dressing like a teenager and get a life.
An informal and non politically correct name for A British feral youth.
Person 1: Say, look at those silly little teenagers over there wearing hoodies. Person 2: Yeah! stupid chavs think that their the shit, they don’t scare us.
Charlie Marsh, an example of a chav. Long story short he wears Nike AirMax 95s, Adidas tracksuits, cheats on every girlfriend he has and runs away like a pussy when someone threatens him - Generally a cunt
Charlie Marsh is the exact definition of a chav, he does not kno de wae
Someone who is rude, disruptive, wears fake designer brands and usually listens to grime music. They are based in the the U.K. and their headquarters is the outside of mc donald’s where they smoke their older brothers cigarettes, wearing adidas’s or nike tracksuits. If you come to england please avoid these types at all costs.
“she’s bare annoying init”
“omg Chelsea you’re turning into such a chav with that language”