Nickname from Jordan Thomas Cooper for Naomie Olindo.
Ms. Sham Creek was a Latina Southern Charm cast member.
A secret camping spot where men become men the last weekend of April for opening day. Fishing, drinking, guns, drugs, feasting like kings, camp fires and dominoes. Anything can happen and it all will happen.
“ Bro, it’s almost that time again for that cherry creek shit”!
When you go away for a weekend with fraternity brothers to a brother’s beautiful lake house, and you decide to take a dump in the pristine lake waters.
“Where’s GB?”
“He’s stocking the lake with some Deep Creek Brown Trout!”
Rather than making an actual connection with your crushconnecting the bridge this is the act of stalking their social media to see if they are single or not.
You creep just quit swimming the creek.
Someone who plays around in creeks and gets no bitches. Generally are creepy and weird as well.
"Look at that weird motherfucker over there"
"Yea, he's a creek stomper if I've ever seen one"
Creek Hopping is eating out one girl's pussy and then immediately eating out another girl's pussy
Dude, I went creek hopping with Tina and her twin sister
Blitzed creek is when you’re so baked that you make up a phrase for how baked you are and you call it “blitzed creek”.