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A thot is a hot girl who knows it but since she know she’s hot she can also be a hoe.

Guy 1: Damn bro, Victoria looking like a thot today

Guy 2: yuh she hot as hell

by #begonethot February 15, 2019

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a hoe. A whore. Fuckboy.

She’s/he’s such a thot they’ve been with the entire football/powderpuff team

by j.dΓΈgg February 21, 2020

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The ultimate thot(s) around and/in the school

Thotness is taking over the school, first it was Jenny, then Bella, then Morgan, and finally Angelina.

by JibyJabq April 14, 2018

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that ho over there ,

that bitch a thot!

by Malinda Do-Little November 27, 2014

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An absoloutly awfull person(woman) who are obsessed with their phones and taking pictures of themselves on social media and dont contribute to society and are worthless and feed off the government for money because feminests, is only found in millenial girls and started when feminests made it where the government showers women with money so they dont do sh*t

"Man these thots are taking over Instagram"

by Yaboi34 February 23, 2018

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A Thot is one that loves to show off. One that seeks attention from people. A female thot you will often see shaking her bottom to get attention from boys putting herself in a position where all boys try to talk to her and fuck her. A male thot you will often see talking to many different girls. Telling them the same thing like "your so beautiful what's your kik you should fwm" Just to have sex with them

"Once a thot , Always a thot"

by OueensD June 19, 2015

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A lovely girl that'll do whatever, whenever asked or told.

That thot was so lovely in making me feel in control and good.

by Catmint December 7, 2015

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