Source Code

Sperm Bot

A male with a brain programmed only for sex.

I hit the bars last night with a couple of Sperm Bots.

by The Donut Fairy May 20, 2016

bot ule

A kevin.

Whos a bot ule?
Kevins a bot ule.

by RACHELASAUROUS September 27, 2013

Bot Gaming

Used in the infamous video game League of Legends which has created the award winning hitshow Arcane.
If one or more of your teammates troll/grief (most commonly your jungler or support) you proceed to go and stay in your given lane no matter what until the game ends or Synapse is watching for that sick penta kill you are about to get.

*jungler diving enemy botlane lvl 3 and giving enemy adc double buffs*
Adc: ''Okay, we bot gaming now.'' *full mute*

by IsMileena April 21, 2022


A great bot with not bad features

void-bot is made by void

by not void March 15, 2023

Ade Bot

An Ade Bot is a moron. A slang term for when you do something stupid.

I just made an "Ade Bot" of myself.

by danny_goodwin April 4, 2022


The best multipurpose bot available on Discord doesn't bind anything behind a paywall. Almost all the things are free to use and the feature that consumes more resources requires a premium, and the premium subscriptions are also super cheap. This bot helps you with auto-moderation, reaction roles, giveaways, invite tracking, role management, creating polls, etc. So after inviting this bot you won't need any other bot, because RILP BOT does it all.

The best bot on Discord is RILP BOT, which does it all

by Typhoon1102 July 27, 2022


LEGEND bot is best 270+ modules with assistant

Legend bot deploy kiya ?
Nikal yaha se aur deploy kr

by LEGEND X January 4, 2021