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Twitter Tooter

A Twitter Tooter is someone who paints a glorious picture of themselves through fictitious Twitter postings for the benefit of impressing women or perspective employers who actually check others using the internet as a resource.

Oh No ... I just got a Twit from Jim claiming he spent the afternoon picking up dog droppings at the new ," Bark Park ".

What a , "Twitter Tooter ".

by Susabar July 24, 2009

Twitter Dumped

Your partner finally sees sense and ends the relationship with you. You then bitch about it on Twitter, summing up your feelings in 140 characters.

Twitter Dumped examples:

1. Got dumped.. cried last night, cried in the shower. cried on the bus. about to cry. pretty soon a should be dehydrated.

2. My boyfriend just broke up with me for a short fat ugly buckteeth mewn little bitch---as u may tell...im not happy!

by TwitDumped March 4, 2010

Twitter witty

(adj) amusing or humorous updates delivered only after hours of thinking about it, typing and retyping, and finally posting.

Her followers think she's hilarious, but her real life friends know she's just Twitter witty.

by The bumblebee_otch April 26, 2011

yemeni twitter

arguments over north & south yemen, drama over nothing from the 313 or 716 mfs, and just second hand embarrassment from the rest of us.

yemeni twitter is toxic and khaza.

by ayemenifromtwitter October 30, 2019

twitter user

an offensive name to call an annoying person.

you are such a twitter user

by More than 1 hooman October 12, 2022

twitter time

1) time when you tweet (and shit) sitting on the toilet
2) bathroom break

This is Trump's twitter time again, and as usual he shares the shit going to his head with all of us

by Kon D'Or December 1, 2016

Twitter boom

the time when people actually found out what twitter was and it got a plenty amount of people that litter the trending topics

How i hate twitter since the twitter boom all the trending topics have the jonas brothers atleast once a week

by katana_xi February 22, 2010