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bro tagged the whole bloodline

tagged the whole bloodline

bro tagged the whole bloodline 💀

by shimmy yay shimmy ya April 10, 2023

whole kaboedel

Whole bang shoot; simile: Hele boksendaais

My 2 pcs were repossessed and debt collectors, data collectors, dingbat collectors, yeah, the whole kaboedel were hounding me down like you would not believe.

by Hercolena Oliver July 30, 2009

whole bitch

Jason Estrada from EG is a whole bitch who can’t fight guys his own age

Whole bitch is basically Jason Estrada

by AlwaysStatingFax101 February 4, 2018

Whole-Hearted Unit

A person (he, she, they) that is loyal to there partner, has an undying love for that person. These people tend to be able to bond quickly with others and grow strong connections in a short amount of time, they tend to wish despair on themselves if it brought prosperity to others who are unfortunate and will act very generous subconsciously even if it harms them.

Man you’re such a Whole-Hearted Unit, I’m so glad to have a friend like you.

by ThisManDoesn'tLie October 12, 2021

Whole Wheat Rat

A person who has lots of multi grains. They are a person who has a fantasy for rats and they like to make innapropriate jokes. This type of person is a rat and hates neo nazis and furries.

That humanoid is a whole wheat rat.

by #fuckmeintheasscuzilovejesus November 19, 2018

A whole stick

Some idiot on this site that said the wrong definition of ice butter because they are an idiot

The user "a whole stick" said something stoopid about ibey (ice butter), so the 66 ( amount as of writing this) subscribers of @icebutter27 are mad now >:(((((

by Ibey real November 16, 2023

A whole different kettle of fish

a different situation or person to be dealt with

I've watched you a lot on Instagram, but in person? Whoof! That's a whole different kettle of fish!

by johnzilla1126 May 20, 2024