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Pony Brothers

Parallel to the term scissoring scissors, Pony Brothers are two males or two humans with a penis who ride each other without penetration.

Hey Armon: would you like to be Pony Brothers tonight? All the fun awaits for us without having to prep!

by Kingfabester October 11, 2020

Indonesian Pony

When a woman pleasures herself in combination with having anal sex or a partner inserting fingers into her anus while having her hair pulled. The woman forces herself back against the partner like a bucking bronco often resulting in her neighing like a horse.

My girl was feeling a bit freaky last night so we did the "Indonesian Pony".

by cowboy6969 September 30, 2012

pony girl

a girl who does beastiality porn or has sexual intercourse with Horses and other animals.

"oh man, we went to Mexico. And we thought it'd be fun to go to a show, and it's a woman fucking a horse. We get there, and we think it's gonna be awesome, and it's not as cool as it sounds like it would be, man. It's kinda gross. You think a woman fucking a horse, and you get there, and it's a woman fucking a horse. It was really giving it to her. And you know what? to be honest I felt bad for her, we all just felt bad for her. Kinda felt bad for the horse." pony girl, lol.

--40 Year Old Virgin

by lnorennny July 30, 2006

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ride the pony

to shoot up heroin recreationally and abusively

Harry: Yo Tyrone, I really gotta ride the pony right now.
Tyrone: Not with that hole in your arm you don't. Shit, we gotta get you to a hospital

by Urpit November 22, 2007

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trick pony

n. An entity's greatest asset and last resort for eliminating competition of a threatening nature.

Jeff: "I hear that the delay on the PS3 release was to give developers more time to complete games for it."

Tom: "Looks like the Microsoft is pulling out its trick pony."

Jeff: "Oh you talkin' bout Halo 3?"

Tom: "What else would I be talkin' about?"

by Juanitolon June 9, 2006

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Pony whip

(v.) the act of intercourse involving a male and a female where the female is sitting/riding on top of the male. The male begins to walk, then the female (wanting to pick up speed) begins to whip the male in his groin region

John: Man my dick really hurts
Oliver: wtf, why!?
John: My girl pony whipped the shit out of me last night
Oliver: you're a pussy

by JohnJ1292 July 29, 2011

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pony whip

the act of snatching a girls pony tail very hard and quickly, as if to give her whiplash or snatch her bald.

"Talking about my man? I'm gonna pony whip that whore!"

by xcaitiexchaosx November 11, 2006

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