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From my experience, stereotypical scene kids you see on the internet look way different than they do in real life. I have a good scene girl friend (she says she isn't anymore, but her appearance says otherwise.) who looks competely different. They wear Japanese kid-show backpacks with bright jackets with metalcore band shirts. (WTF?) Others will wear baggy hoodies with super-skinny jeans and huge colorful, hightop DC/Nike shoes. Hair colors aren't specific, because they're always changing. They're always multicolored and bright though. You'll see them in the mall with big headphones around their necks. Music includes dubstep, crunkcore, screamo/metalcore and nu-metal. Hollywood Undead and BrokeNCYDE are favorites. They type with excessive faces like O.O and :3. They can actually be pretty cool, but the rest are weird and annoying. Alot of them aren't hot like they are on the internet. Scene boy fashions include tight jackets with tighter band shirts and skinny jeans. They go to local venues to hang out. If you want to see one, go there. If they think of you as cool they'll walk up and start talking to you (thank GOD this hasn't happened to me yet). If they do play small talk and walk away, they won't leave you alone.

At a venue: "Great show!" "I know!..hey, look at those scene kids texting in a circle on the floor."

by Captain HurpDurp April 25, 2011

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Another word for what used to be emo; minus the cutting wrists and depression. In other words, a cover-up of a new, more arrogant lifestyle. Scene kids usually wear super-tight jeans, shop at stores like hot topic and thrift stores, and wear thick eyeliner. They speak in chatspeak (aka: LYK OMG! UR NEW HURR IS THE S3X BBY! <333) They have a big ego, but the pit is the only place they belong. Well, the guys at least. They dance hardcore in the moshpit, flailing their arms in an angry rage. The girls, however, usually stand to the side and headbang, until they get whiplash and cry " OMG MY NECK H3RTS FRUM ALL THAT H34D BaNG!N9 LAST N!TE!!!!!11!!" That is pretty much scene kids in a nutshell.

bleedingxscene- Y3S BBY IT WAS THE SECKS!
ixluvxdinosawrsxoxo- L3TS SP00N (: (: (:
bleedingxscene- OK BBY EYE ELL WHY!!! <3333333

by e5x29t09c June 21, 2009

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Refers mostly to the local music scene. Has of late become quite trendy and a lot of people follow or attempt to be scene. Adopting the big spiky hair and bright colored clothes, tight jeans and band tees. But there's a lot more to it then just outward appearance, nd thats how you can usually separate the real scene kids from the posers. Real scene kids are completely original, nd aren't rlly trying to 'follow' anything. Posers love to brag about how scene they are and tend to be arrogant and rlly good at pissing ppl off.


poser- Omg that kid is so scene with his tight girl jeans and Bring Me The Horizon tee!!!! And dont forget his rlly scenexcore blonde and purple hair!

by blackrockerchic July 23, 2009

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According to 99.9% of definitions on here scene means you are self absorbed and don't know how to type. NOT TRUE.

A scene kid is usually someone who wears tight jeans (brightly colored sometimes) and fitted tee's. A lot of the time they have choppy layered hair with some other color in it but not always. To be scene you do NOT need to have black hair! That is just a stupid stereotypical belief. Scene kids usually have layered bangs that lay at an angle over one of their eyes. They wear their hair straight 99% of the time though. (Girls often wear their hair teased and have coontails). Most scene kids wear either slip on vans, osiris, or converse.

They usually listen to rave (such as Skrillex), and other music types like this. But not mainstream rap and hiphop. Many scene kids tend to use the words, "Epic", "That's hot", "rad", and other things such as that. Anyone who classifies them self as a scene kid is. This is a stereo typical scene kid definition but just about anyone can be a scene kid by doing there own thing an not caring what others have to say!

Teased hair,
fitted tee,
brightly colored skinny jeans,
Yep. I look like an epic scene kid!

by rabidgummyworms January 14, 2012

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Scene kids are a bunch of posers. they try to be every thing and get along with everyone but everyone really hates them. Scene kids dont cut themselfs but they should. Just so we dont have to deal with them anymore.

Scene kids suck.

by Punx OI OI OI! September 5, 2009

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gorgeous; and hardcore attention whores.
local shows.
skinny jeans.
vitamin water.
chronic&& various drugs.
screamo bands.
eye liner.
tons of myspace friends.
playing music as loud as motherfucking hell.
being a camera whore.
big hair.
personally i have angel bites and size four gauges.(:
using words like -kiid, or bby, or baby, or niggz, or rad, or chill.-
saying "fersure" all the mother fucking time.

okay. bottom line kiids?
scene is a stereotype which is used to describe people who look fucking hot everywhere we go.
we are amazing; and haterz make us laugh our anorexic asses off.
remember kiidz...
"THiN iZ INN."


Aura.x.Tiara: holy shiit. i need to go get my hair diid bitch; wanna come wiff?

Kayla.x.Kaoz:fersure babe.(: make sure you keep your layers as short as they are now though. they look sooo SCENE.

Aura.x.Tiara:oh my fucking shiit. youre so fucking right.

by aura.x.tiara April 27, 2009

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Preps who are wannabe punks, and are camerawhores. Also people who think its cool to use some type of word that goes along with their name such as "CarlyCut" or "SamathaSuicide"

Almost half the cheerleading team went scene

by BellaBeatdown August 13, 2009

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