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Asian Pursuesian

A hot Asian girl that locks you in by just looking at you with her mysterious eyes. An Asian girl of great beauty. A fine Asian freak.

"Damn dogg did you see that Asian Pursuesian walking by at da mall yesterday?"
"Yeah I'd like to dip into dat soy sauce!"

by whitechocolate December 27, 2005

63๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

ghetto asian

Ghetto asian - Asian descent that hangs out with ghetto people in there ghetto neighborhood.
Ghetto means to act like you don't have sense and it doesn't mean if asian people talk black makes them ghetto, you are only ghetto if you grew up an a ghetto place with people that talk with slang and many Burmese people and cultural people move to those type of places and thats when I met my nigga Min...

Aye their go my nigga min! Yo wassup min! (Min: Aye wassup bruh) ghetto asian

by Josh Mulatto March 14, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian cake

To have sex with all the Asian races possible, and then finish off by having sex with a white girl for the topping.

no mutts only pure breds.

Friend A: How long till you finish making that Asian cake?

Friend B: I still need to find a Korean and Viet

by RP for life December 6, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

asian rage

when an asian becomes angered.

oh shit!!! that asian is pissed!!! ASIAN RAGE!!! RUN!!!

by jason lee pwa pwa September 4, 2004

114๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

asian driver

a race of people that have the ability to design and build great car's but yet they lack the skill to drive them

have the ability to piss off english, spanish speakers

asian drivers are


fail to indicate
drive at rediculas speed
fail to obey road rules
fail to stop at stop sign
kurb mag wheels
50 % vision at all times
fail to understand english

have the ability to piss off locals

by the western society December 1, 2011

253๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian parents

Most Asian parents rule over their children with a harsh belief: education dominates everything. They will push aside your social life and get rid of your emotions if it means getting straight A's. Asian parents will think of the worst possible scenario and determine what to do based on it. Here's what to expect if you live in an Asian household.....

*Rice, rice, and more rice
*Nothing but water
*Education > life itself
*A - the only acceptable grade
B - they will scream and hit you
C - they will seriously abuse you and hurt you bad
D or lower - kicked out or threatened to death
*They don't care for your looks, all they want is short hair
*No boyfriends/girlfriends
*Will not let you go out late
*9 PM - 10 PM bedtime
*They will make you study no matter what

All in all, they are just trying to protect and raise you, believe it or not. Don't blame the parents, blame the way they were raised. I'm Asian and I remained sane due to pure determination. The only thing you can do is put up with it. You can't change them, it's just the way it is. You'll just have to see that they want you to be successful. While it might be cruel, it's what they believe is the best way to make you a successful person. You will want to hate them a lot, but keep your head up high and you'll make it.

Typical Asian parents.....
Me: Wait, what did I do?
Me: Alright, I'll go study.

Me: What? Why? It's not that long
*drags you off to get a bowl cut or a buzz cut

by DracoUltima September 3, 2012

29๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

asian sprinkler

asian girl with uber ejaculation

lily thai is a asian sprinkler

by J. Nichols J. Newsome April 12, 2008

46๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž