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Basic White Girl

That one girl around that knows everyone, is obsessed by shoes (and is upset if a person has the same ones), says “I am sooo thicc ” meanwhile they hardly have a butt. They also are the typical cheerleader, who only has pictures of themselves on Instagram. They will normally have a Snapstreak with half of the people they have ever met. Normally has a very typical name, probably meaning beauty.

Girl #1: I can’t believe it this kid actually thinks he’s hot. (Pulls our iPhone and shows all people around her).

Boy #1: Bella you are such a basic white girl.

(Everyone around agrees)

by Alexis.Isabella123 February 28, 2018

basic white girl

an annoyingly common species of homo sapiens that has no defining traits and often varies from region to region. in the region of my existence, basic girls often have:

• a distinct fakeness masked by an overwhelming peppiness
Lovisa jewellery
plain black leggings
• any kind of hoodie
mousy brown hair, either badly curled or tied in a ponytail
• tiktok
• saying things like "cAn YOu nOT" or "SlAY kWeeN", basically whatever basic girls say, idk i'm ✨not like the other girls✨

"she's such a basic white girl"

by liminalitea June 6, 2022

basic white girl

a girl who keeps up with all the trends


holister clothing
ripped skinny jeans
brandy Melville shit
maybe Air Force 1s

whenever someone calls her a basic white girl she denies it

person: omg look at her she’s such a basic white girl

girl: no im not *sips coffee and walks into holister*

by my name is none of ur business November 30, 2019

Basic white girl

A basic white girl is a girl who love Starbucks I love taking photos on Snapchat with dog filter. A definition of a basic white girl is Bella doval

White girl starter kit:



Leggings or Yoga Pants

Clothes from Pink, Forever 21, Aeropostale, etc

Pumpkin Spice


Pop music

Mean girls + Pitch Perfect References


Every social media created


etc. OMG, that chick over there is such a basic white girl. She's so plastic.

by Yo234 February 17, 2019

Basic white girl

Bella doval is such a basic white girl who drinks starbucks and has the dog fliter aways on.

OMG, that chick over there is such a basic white girl. She's so plastic.

by Yo234 February 17, 2019

Basic b*tch

That one girl who always seems to have a Starbucks frap in her hand, booty shorts, and always seeming to get attention in the wrong ways, usually having a name fitting with her attitude like becky, olivia, Elizabeth etc.

Person 1: did you see rebecca today?

Person 2: yeah omg she was being so annoying,that girl is dumber than a box of rocks, such a basic b*tch

by Psych and the collection February 1, 2019

basic marin wheels

Moniker given to the Bavarian Motor Works vehicles driven by residents of Marin County. Many can be found in the parking lots of Drake, Redwood, and Tamalpias High Schools.

Did you see Tristan's Basic Marin Wheels? Her parents got a new Land Rover so she had to like take the hand-me-down.

by bvincesf November 26, 2018