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Something said to explain or describe the positiveness that an event will occur or the awesomeness of said event.

Ex 1: "Tonight going to be a bet!"

Ex 2: "Yo, tonight was a bet"

by Cbal95 May 29, 2011


slang for ‘will do’ ‘you bet’ ‘got it
you agree and will do it

Jim: Come help me clean my car
Me: Aight bet

by GodHasJoinedTheServer June 1, 2018


Anything. Sentence finisher/starter or a sentence by itself.

Could mean yes, no, ok or pretty much anything else.

Usually used by retards.

Johnny: Are we going to the movies tomorrow?
Taimondai: bet.
Johnny: yes or no?!
Taimondai: bet.

by Taytay123_ December 2, 2019


Slang for “Fuck you

“She’s gonna lose that volleyball game”

“No, bet

by Dragalee May 3, 2024


The word Bet is used when someone is agreeing to something

Alex: yo do you want to hop on the game later?
Jeremy: ok bet

by Moderndefenitions September 1, 2023


Confirmation of understanding or agreement

“Yo Pierre you wanna come out here”
Aight bet

by Mi-ti-ti-cuh-chell March 27, 2020


the educated way to say yes

Person 1: bruh u high
Person 2: bet

by IAmTheShag June 25, 2019