An absolute bot at video games who has a .2 kd
Lmao look at that bot. It must be plonk boots
A real dopey dumb cunt normally found on a construction site (wearing boots) gullible and/or clumsy
The bloody apprentice was in the roof today running cables and put his foot through the ceiling.. again! FUCK! he's a boots cunt.
Told the labourer to clean up all the rubbish on the site today and the cunt threw away brand new, full lengths of 2x4.... couldn't believe it, what a fucking boots cunt.
The furry boots EDM girls wear. Every year they kill a wookie, using it's fur for dance boots.... Aka mud tampons
These chewbaca boots soak up so much mud... Just like tampons..
After a long days work being a mad dog, slip off your steel cap boot and scull a long neck of beer out of it.
That mad dog just smashed his long boot what a legend.
To get ur booty away from someone/something in a quick manner.
Oh no, the dude got out of his car, lets get sca-bootin. it the most edgiest IG meme account ever like u literally get addicted from those stolen memes u literally gotta check it out lol this is a new way of promo i live in 3018
person 1: did you watch the movie kush in boots
person 2: dont u mean puss in boots
person 1: gtfo u normie
When you fucking trash,garbage,shitty,horrible at what your doing and have no fucking clue of what you’re doing
Jacob you boots mugundy at fucking Fortnite get better