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Butterflies in my Vagina

When a girl sees a hot guy, she doesn't get horny... She gets butterflies in her vagina. This basically means, she would like to sexually engage with this hot guy

I looked up and saw the sexiest guy I've ever seen. He had dark hair, tan, a 6 pack and the greatest smile I have ever seen. I immediately got butterflies in my vagina

by KATED June 11, 2015

120πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

give someone butterflies

To have overwhelming excitement when you see someone you have feelings for; or a feeling you get when someone you love kisses or touches you.

Every time Erik kisses me I get butterflies; saying "he gives me butterflies"; it's a good thing to give someone butterflies

by Casey_cakes November 6, 2013

135πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

butterfly kisses

A butterly kiss is just a saying that means poem.

Today in class the teacher read a book of "butterfly kisses"

by NickYouGenious November 8, 2005

43πŸ‘ 381πŸ‘Ž

Butterfly kisses

The act of spreading your buttcheeks, placing the hole directly against someone's flesh, and cutting one loose.

I wake my wife up every morning with butterfly kisses.

by Pturtle_bites August 30, 2017

3πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

butterflies in my stomach

An awesome feeling when someone you care about looks at you, stares at you or complements you; and you don't know what to do in that moment, except feel happy. It can be a physical feeling like a little tickle traveling up your stomach.

He is so cute, every time he turns and looks at me I get butterflies in my stomach.

by HikeUp November 8, 2013

1377πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

German Butterfly Bounceback

Picking up an 18-20 year old girl off the street and offering her several hundred dollars for a quick photoshoot. You will then take her back to your apartment where you have her get on her knees in a kiddie pool and put on a zorro mask (not the hat, mind you, just the mask). She will then proceed to pour bottle after bottle of brand name raspberry jelly on her head while 4 men (all named Hans) stand around the pool on matching wooden stools wearing Guy Fawkes (V for Vendetta) masks and pee on her head. Music is optional, but if it is used, it must be provided by either a live opera singer or a loud set of speakers playing "It wasn't me" by Shaggy (recommended). There have been whispers of a double dare method in which an additional man of hispanic descent is strapped to a chair in front of the pool with his eyelids held open Clockwork Orange style for the duration of the session but these are simply rumors as such a thing has never been attempted. Best performed while wearing Riddick style goggles.

Rick: Dude! check it out! I just put up this definition for the German Butterfly Bounceback on urbandictionary!
Steve: *reads* Dude...what the fuck is wrong with you?

by Rick_Astley January 26, 2014

break a butterfly on a wheel

To use excessive force to accomplish something that can be done with far less.

Break a butterfly on a wheel: Sending a SWAT team to deal with a fifteen year old kid disturbing the peace by having his music turned up too loud.

The original phrase "Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?" was a line from the poem "Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot”, which referenced an ancient torture method known as the β€œbreaking wheel” or β€œCatherine wheel”.

by |SaltyJack| August 31, 2019