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A negative word to describe someone who acts a bit like a roadman and thinks they're hard (cool, tough)

You look like a chav

by Its_____meee January 22, 2020


An inbred creature in Northern London who wears colourful track suits and walks around like he/she is a 10 ft tall Rugby player.

*A chav walks/bounces to the shop to buy a packet of cigarettes even though he/she doesn't smoke, just to show off to the other chavs.*

by Brilliant Definer April 2, 2013


Girls of the orange variety. This species is fairly easy to find as they live at McDonalds. They tend to have a frizzy bun and wear adidas clothes. common words they use: G, fam, HAVE A LITTLE FAITH IN MEEE THATS ALL I NEED YEAH. They smoke 10 packs a day, so follow the smoke trail to find your nearest fast food place. DO NOT APROACH BECAUSE THEY DISPLAY VERY THREATENING BEHAVIOUR. never let them do you're makeup or you will go around looking wasted. They often date people from the gif below

I saw a chav at maccy D's. She pulled a knife on me so I stole her chips and ran.

by British check February 5, 2021


Council Housed And Violent

Look at Kyle over there, he's such a Chav

by Katie hopkin's cat July 21, 2020


chav is basically a british hot cheeto girl

A: omg look it's a chav
the chav: *violently shaking* hAvE A lIttLe FaItH In Me Yeaah I'Ts aLl I neEd YeAh

by @goochie_grease on tiktok September 1, 2020


Often standing for Council House Associated Vermin
found on street corners, or bus stops. With the cheapest larger and roll-up cigs they can find.
Treat with care or they will 'Buff you up bert'

Words are often added to the end of their sentences, IE
1) Mayte (Phonetic)
2) Bert
3) Pal
4) Bruv

'or8 bert, am gunna smash u up cos u looked @ mi bird like'
Quote from a chav

by TehDoctor April 22, 2011


it’s like hot cheeto girls but british

ugh chav girls get on my nerves.

by ilikebigbutss April 26, 2020