Source Code

lionel collins

A gay Jew who likes dick.

That guy is such a Lionel Collins.

by J.2569 January 3, 2018

collin carroll

Collin Carroll is the sexest gay guy on the planet, maybe even the universe. he loves music and song writing, he is a weldor. he can be seam withdrawn but once he gets to know you he is sensitive. all he wants it to meet the man of his life and live happly ever after.

1:he is so shy.
2:no hes not hes Collin Carroll

by mnbh March 31, 2014

Collin Wells

sexy ass mf with a thick juicy ass

mm i would love a handful of Collin Wells ass

by sluttykittengirl February 12, 2021

Susan Collins

A Tom Collins spiked with roofies.

I think Brett changed my Tom Collins to a Susan Collins

by Lokmann October 6, 2018

Susan Collins

Alcoholic cocktail - 1 part warm beer, 2 parts spaghetti and ketchup, and a splash of perjury. Also known as the Date Rape Daiquiri. Best served to someone already blackout drunk.

She should have known she'd end up with a privileged prick on top of her after he drank four Susan Collins drinks.

by Feral Feminist October 8, 2018

Mr Collins

When your computer science teacher is sexist af and has a thing for making fun of people.

Mr Collins was being sexist again

by Analbeedmastern January 24, 2024

Collin’s Day

Collin’s day is a day to celebrate Collin M. Give gifts and hugs and kisses to Collin or just wish him happy Collin day!

Collin’s day means give to collin!” “Nice I will make sure to give him something”

by EastCpark September 25, 2021