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At the brim of my core

When a person is so stressed, furious, enraged,mad, livid, superfluous with anger that they are about to pop. Thus, they are at the brim of their core.

Evan: "Carlos, did you hear about two girls one cup? watch this!"

Carlos: "Argh!!!, argh!!!!, no, I don't want to watch! Argh!! I am at THE BRIM OF MY CORE!!!!!!"

by Carloswithac April 10, 2009

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hard core fuck

Having hard core sex so hard that the pussy turns bright red and the dick cums so much that it is soaked and the woman is moaning so loud the neighbors here it across the street.

Hey you want to hard core fuck tonight
Yes how much will it be.......

by Pussy slayer 690690 May 19, 2017

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pinterest girl core

Gen Zs are the embodiment of pinterest girl core. Their daily routine is to browse on Pinterest and collect pins for their aesthetic. They have playlists with quirky titles (but actually contains the same tiktok "indie" songs) playing in the background for self-care. They are mentally deranged and are obsessed with badly edited facebook memes. They like to text in low caps with "xx" or "<3" depending on their mood. They like their pictures heavily filtered and post them on Instagram.

Pinterest girl core checklist : heart shaped cookie dough, tanned skinny white girls, auras, vine walls, crystals, 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘡 𝘩𝘦𝘒𝘳𝘡 𝘱π˜ͺ𝘀𝘡𝘢𝘳𝘦, "you are hot", whisper the app

"What title do you prefer? 'Main character energy' or 'dancing with ur soulmate in the kitchen to old love songs', it's for my spotify playlist"
"For fucks sake you are into pinterest girl core as well?"

by fionaappleinkatebush June 12, 2022

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core 2 duo

intels best latest greatest processor line

The slowest core 2 duo kills amds fastest processor.

by zwc July 1, 2007

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hard core butch

hard core butch is more easily defined if you picture the difference of a soft core butch -a soft core butch can wear make up ,to look a little feminine and have both female and male looks ,hence ," soft" core butch - where as a hard core butch looks more manly ,act more manly ,and dresses more manly than a soft core butch and is accepted by her lover as aggressive,in command , and rules the relationship -

some women prefer a hard core butch over a soft core butch as a lover,to feel more submissive and feminine .

by bolt action March 21, 2018

Eject the Warp Core

To have a really productive poo. So productive that you feel a large part of you, like a power source, has gone.

8Picard: "Where have you been Mr la Forge?"
la Forge: "Sorry I'm late Captain, I detected a radiation leak so I had to eject the Warp Core!"
Picard: "You did what?"
Riker: "I think he's implying he visited the head Captain!"

by Carbinator June 28, 2015

aggro-core pissed

Agressively Hardcore Pissed Off, Meaning one is so pissed that they are very agressive and has a very low temper.

I'm Aggro-core Pissed off

by Chris May 20, 2006

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