The amount of hot dogs in a certain place at a certain time.
Man! The Weiner Count is through the roof!
the number of fat people you’ve fucked
what’s your bacon count?
well, sarah was 340lbs so I’m at 3 now.
The act of taking notes on the color of people's skin when determining how to treat said people.
Or the act of arbitrarily highlighting the color of a person's skin.
In a sociopolitical or philosophical argument where someone is unjustifiably holding on to skin color as the basis or part of their argument, you might say "stop counting-color"
Three bottles of "Auchentoshan Three Wood", two bottles of "Woodford Double Oaked," and a four pack of "Ta +Meilleure" Double NEIPA (Bases Loaded). A certain comic's hotel room "Special Ask" for comedy tours. Consuming the entirety (as a group, NOT solo because that's quietly referred to as a "Mickey Mantle"....and likely fatal) is called a "Grand Slam" referring simultaneously to the resulting overwhelmingly classy shindig and to the high return baseball achievement.
"What'ya need slim." - Hotel Manager
"Set em' up Jim, Comedian's "Full count", Bases Loaded tonight!." - Comic
Smiling "You lookin' for trouble?" - Hotel Manager
"We're hittin' a Grand Slam tonight baby!!!!" - Comic
The number of followers you have on Threads
I like to keep my Thread Count low, there's too many people I've had to mute.
An activity for college hipsters to participate in while they are drinking tea or smoking hookah. It involves wearing epically colorful sweaters and listening to indie music.
Hey! Remy and I are going to go whale counting at the shore as we drink cups of darjeeling, wanna come?