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Comfortably Dumb

Mildly intoxicated on alcohol or other substances, or just enough to dull the senses. A state of chemically induced temporary happiness. A bastardization of the phrase Comfortably Numb.

After a long day of work, John was happy to roll a fat joint and become comfortably dumb, even with the knowledge that most of the chips in his house might disappear.

by vagrant_real-estate_agent July 1, 2012

Idiot dumb

Someone that isn't just dumb or just an idiot but they're the dumbest idiot you've ever met.

"Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, and Heidi Montauge are HUGE idiot dumbs"

by you're not fucking brutal July 14, 2009

dumb and a half

when someone so dumb says/does something that is just too stupid for even them and takes their stupidity to a new level

person 1: bro, what happened to your microwave?

person 2: it blew up, i left a fork in there and turned it on

person 1: WOW! your dumb and a half!

by cameltoexofxcamelot May 31, 2011

dumb snatch

a person who irritates you or does something you don't like. can be passed around playfully with friends or used seriously

Karen why did you give him my number you dumb snatch.

by hth97 February 13, 2017

Dumb duck

Dumb duck

Mathias p=dumb duck

by Blood red yt August 25, 2020

dumb ass

the people who think anything on the urban dictionary is true

bruh! your a dumb ass

by TheRealYEET#5332 March 1, 2021

dumb mole

a type of person who's just a real dickhead

emma: fuck off you fat cunt

bayley: stop being a dumb mole

by thisbitchemptyyeeeeeet June 30, 2017