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Definition: Feminism means hating men at all times for all reasons.

Another Definition: someone who doesn’t get laid

To be a man hater: you are a Feminist.

Me: I really hated that bitch.

You: Yeah I don’t know why she has her panties in a bunch she’s probably a feminist.


by BigDawgAndyT March 15, 2023


Feminism is the prejudice and hatred against men.

A: I prefer feminine qualities
Trevor: Do you believe in feminism?
A: Yes
Trevor: So you hate men?

by slayyqueenn October 21, 2023


FEMINISM is a equality rights movement

Different to what many believe feminism is to raise awareness to every genders issues NOT just women’s issues

Feminism has the word FEM (meaning feminine or female) is at the start of the word because women DONT have equality towards men.

Feminism defined

Feminist- We deserve equal pay for the same jobs (Men and women)
Feminist- stop cat calling (men and women)
Feminist- stop harassment (men and women)
Feminist- stop sexualising things (Men and women)

by Icbawithpeoplesshit January 17, 2021


How feminists define themselves: "literally just treat us like humans, literally equality, equal opportunities, that’s literally all we want"

Subtle change as millennials and Gen Z took over: "equity" is now the word, not equality. Meaning equal outcomes. Analogy of starting a race from different positions and different body types and why some people need a head start / boost to get to the finish line at the same time.

How modern feminism should be defined based on its actions: the accepted mainstream politically correct movement that strives towards female-dominant outcomes in all desirable arenas.

If women are inherently better at just about everything (which many believe to be the case), naturally they should dominate. If they don’t, it’s because they are being discriminated against. So if something is female-dominated, we don’t then try to balance by bringing in more men. No, we celebrate, and push for more. The job is never done.

There are more men majoring in STEM than women. THIS is why we need feminism. Women outnumber men in this university 2 to 1 so we've made good progress, but it is not enough. We still aren't even treated as humans. We have to work 10 times as hard for 1/10th the pay. It is NOT okay.

by Sup8989 June 8, 2024


Feminism (noun)
The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

Feminism at its core is about equality of men and women. Critics argue that equality is not possible because women are not the “same” as men. However, feminism advocates equal rights and equal access to opportunities. Men and women do not have to be the “same” to have the right to equality.

As a social activist, Gloria Steinem was instrumental in bringing feminism to national attention in the late 1960s.

by EHPH December 5, 2020


The belief that women and men should have the same rights and should be treated equally. This also fights so the gender roles are supresed for both genders. This doesn't want the supperiority of women it wants the same for both.

"I am a feminist because I don't like being scared of going out alone."
"I'm a feminist so men can cry without having questioned their sexuality, tht's what feminism is about."
"I am a feminist even if I am a man because I don't want my mum, my wife or my daughter to suffer discrimination only for being born a women."

by anonymus44 December 16, 2017


A group of man hating lesbians/gays who believe that woman deserves more than men in the name of equality.

Feminist: Men and Women should get equal rights.

Person: Men and Women are already equal.

Feminist: No Men are still getting more rights in society.

Person: What kind of special rights men are getting and women aren't?

Feminist: Ummm.

Feminism in nutshell

by simpplayer June 29, 2022