Finn’s are frequently go with the flow kinds people, sometimes taking the lead but never being pushed around. They’re always one of the best people to go to talk about issues you’re going through and will always be there to help their friends. Sometimes they can be a little rough but will never hurt anyone they know well in bad spirit. They are always there to defend their friends when needed; but are also frequently sick or injured.
Friend: “Hey man why aren’t you at work today?”
Finn: “I’m taking the day off before I break my neck tomorrow”
Friend: “?!”
the silliest whale, possibly the guy from star wars. any finns you meet will be the goofiest goobers you know.
Person A - That Finn guy is so wacky!
Person B - Finn is a loser
The hottest, coolest, nicest, sexiest guy you'll ever meet. He has the biggest dick in the school, keeps all his problems to himself so ask how he's doing sometimes. He has a cat and wishes he had a dog I bet, but he's super cute. Probably looks like a Hentai protag and has a very dark/emo style. He is SUPER gay. He also probably has a super pink boyfriend or something along the lines of an opposite style. His mom is probably dead or at least one of his parents because he just deserves it. He often is violent because of old tendencies but he really just only knows how to show the love that way. Hes really sexy tho.
Hey who is that guy over there?
Oh?? That's Finn. He's gay and his mom's dead.
Finn is the most amazing person you'll ever meet. Their smile can make your day and they always know how to make you laugh. They can sense when you're sad even when you try to hide it and know exactly what makes you happy.
They never fail to make friends with everyone but keep those who mean the most to them at heart.
Crazy but knows how to be mature.
Finn never ceases to make you smile with cringey comments and heartfelt compliments.
Their ability to brighten your life is unforgettable and their love is the most precious thing.
Finn's true talent is making everyone happy.
Finn is a kind and loving human
People who are named Finn are POGGERS! and BASED! They also love playing videogames, especially by themselves, they like controversial talks and social media drama, they get no women in their life but they still deal with everything like a BASED and POGGERS person would do (sunglasses emoji)
hello finn (poggers and based)
Bender who bullies the disabled and has a tiny cock.
Claims he’s a heavyweight
Guy gets Duck Fever. Has all the good snacks and crushes ass.
Finn got Duck Fever after crushing some ass.