to perform terribly, absurdly, and beneath expectations and intellect. An obvious failure. Choking under pressure.
Johnny flushed the mouse when he missed a wide open shot to win the game.
Tony flushed the mouse when his expert prediction failed to come true.
Nigel flushed the mouse when he cut off the guest speaker's microphone while they were answering a question.
To fail utterly, often as the result of uncertainty as to what to do.
Origin: Tony Kornheiser, The Tony Kornheiser Show (2024)
Tony tried to find the best way to dispose of the dead rodent but in the end he just flushed the mouse.
Nigel really flushed the mouse when he said “May the Force be with you” was from Star Trek.
It Means your Very cringe haram and -1000000000 social credit
Hey what are you doing? :flushed: -10000 social credit your execute is tomorrow for saying flushed
The period of time when you couldn’t flush your poop down the first time, and when you couldn’t wait for the tank to fill back up again before a second attempt. Couldn’t flush - get anxious - attempt to flush - Repeat
A: WTF were you doing in the bathroom for an hour?
B: had a toilet flush anxiety. Still wouldn’t go down
flushing the toilet in the middle of taking a dump to reduce the smell for others in the vicinity.
"Dude! do a curtousy flush, your killing me!"
Taking a shit, then farting and flushing while still sitting on the can.
I tried to stop the smell, so I had to flush the duck...
This is the art of flushing ones toilet as soon as boo boo hits the water.This is done so that the person coming into the restroom won't know you stunk up the place.By flushing as Soon as the turds hit the water you smell no lingering funk,it's like you didn't go to the restroom.Hence the term Ghost Flush..
Josh this is work man,nobody wants to smell your insides.Ghost flush next time.