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Gabby is the bestest friend you could ever have and you need to hold onto them

Omg look it’s gabby

by Indeez nuts October 8, 2023


Best friend you could ever have, always down for lots of fun. She is as loyal as they come but can sometime say the wrong things yapayapayapa. She loves to talk and laugh... but sometimes that gets her in trouble. If you ever meet a gabby never cross that bitch because you'll regret it.

"Do you know Gabby?'"
"Yeah Gabby is crazy fun!"

"Gabby looked so hot on the dance floor"

"OMG! Gabby is such a good singer! Makes me cream!"

"OMG, Gabby gives crazy head"

by That_____bitch August 22, 2024


An asshole

Gabby plays with me!!! She’s an asshole

by CJPeeny March 21, 2022


Gabby is a hottie she is nice but rude at the same time but she is surely sorry if she’s rude but she can steal ur mans no cap she is an amazing girlfriend so if y’all have a gabby as a girlfriend keep her she will be the best thing that will ever happen to your life and even tho she dosent respond quickly doesn’t mean she’s not thinking of u and she’s also a softie

Guy: hey there hottie
Gabby: oh uh hi-
Guy: your a cutie ya know
Gabby: ugh go away

by Rose_Cookie June 24, 2020


A straight midget

Gabby = midget

by Wapid July 12, 2022


Gabby is beautiful and sweet. She comes into your life at the lowest point, and she’ll love you for who you are. Shes definitely one of a kind, a great singer and actress. She’s wise beyond her years, energetic and wild and fun, yet also calm, pensive and passionate. Never let a Gabby go!!

She is such a Gabby!!

Yeah she is! Smart, beautiful, and caring!

by alfonsotheman December 9, 2020


Gabby… awkward and different. Super short acts 8 feet tall, stands on toes to demonstrate. Compares a lot, unhealthy competition (ex: doing 650 sit ups). Tends steals catch phrases, hobbies, aesthetic looks, ideas, etc.

“I invented Draco
“Oh my gosh no wait, guys guess what… oh nevermind
“I’m Gabby I’ve doing calligraphy since I was 2”

by JenRand May 21, 2022