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Helmet Hunter

A person that likes to go find other helmets. Helmets being the tip of a man's penis.

One who searches for more guys.

The gay guy was being a helmet hunter at the club.

by Phuc Dat Bich1 October 18, 2007

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Helmet popper

When your girl will only let you put the tip in, and you slip past the HELMET and pull back out.

Last night I gave my girlfriend a helmet popper.

by Backdoor Barney November 14, 2017

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wwii helmet

An abnormally large penis head

I can see that WWII helmet through your shorts bro, are you torqued?

by Siiike June 18, 2014

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cheese helmet

the GREATEST Rock'n roll band EVER, hailing from StjΓΈrdal, Norway

I love Cheese helmet, like in I love ___

by Alf August 12, 2003

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gonzo helmet

see pee wee helmet

Hey mrs. homeless woman! I'm gonna give you a gonzo helmet!!!!!

by Dr. Alex Pieron May 10, 2005

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the british helmet

The British helmet is when a male gently places his genitals on top of a female companions head. The effect resembles that of an 1856 helmet of a British soldier.

Jenny was quietly reading in her favorite chair, when Shane rudely interrupted her by placing his balls on top of her head.

by Mike Jacobs June 20, 2005

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colter helmet

a colter helmet is some who sucks at football, thus getting hit alot leaves marks on your helmet showing you suck.

colter helmet suck helmet

by leejrehs November 9, 2010

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