The word “Daniel” is a synonym for getting fucked over
Person 1: “i just lost a ranked match”
Person 2: “you are such a daniel”
Someone who is not human. An absolute legend that will steal any and all women in the vicinity. The ultimate coochie slayer.
Holy fucking shit, watch out Daniel is about to speak to your girl.
A mini Logan Paul who gets too many of the girls and has a micro penis
Daniel is a funny, and nice person who normally only shows his kindness to his inner circle of friends. Daniel is usually also the best soccer player at his school
Person:that person over there is really good at soccer
Other person:ohh, his name must be Daniel
A long legged guy, he is very smart but recently decided to leave his brain in the last decade, currently off searching for it whilst collecting various valuables along the way including swords, crypto, guns, moonshine making equipment… if you see him you can approach as he is not dangerous. Everyone needs a Daniel in their life.
Look over their it’s Daniel, his currently on a quest looking for his brain.