A dachsund thats black and tan and fucking great doggo Where i get my YT channel name and username here.
Shes adorable cute,AND A BEAST!
Izzy is fucking great and cute
An Izzy is a girl with the bubbliest personality! She is incredibly weird, but even when you are completely confused about something she is doing you will find yourself laughing. She breaks any tension easily and is a fantastic friend who will support you through anything. She has a beautiful caring personality, and doesn’t just look out for her friends and family, but also other people and animals. While she seems very confident, an Izzy can get stage fright even though she shines everywhere she goes! She is an incredible artist often particularly good at singing. Izzy is a great part of everyone’s life and she will undoubtedly make you smile.
Person 1: Who is that?!
Person 2: The girl doing the chicken dance? That’s Izzy.
Izzy is the WORST person to be friends with. She sucks so much I hate her, she is TALLL not short, big brain I’m definitely not writing this as my name is Izzy.?
Izzy is dead
Izzy is a super pretty and kind hearted girl. She is really popular but pretty quiet (until she gets to know u) she is a bit phsyco when she has drank too much vodka but is always the life of the party. She gets lots of make attention and guys are always asking her out but she always rejects them all until her crush asks her out. She is very reserved. She usually had long blonde hair and is a Libra.
G1: Bro I really like this girl
G2: whats her name
G1: Izzy
G2: Bro u have no chance
G1: why bro
G2: cuz she’s called Izzy
G1:oh 💔
Smart, handsome, glorious, and overall an amazing person. Izzy is Latin for, Dope asf and fresh as hell!!!
Izzy is the best person you will ever mean in this world. If you have a izzy in your life it will be the best thing that ever happened to you, she will protect you from anything and she always have ur back.
Person 1- she is so kind and beautiful!
Person 2- must be called izzy!