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Lady GaGa

An untalented she-male with a fucked up fanbase.
Lady Gaga is a Female born with testicles.

When asked if she was a man or woman, she answered. "i am what you think i am". Well in that case you are a man!

Lady GaGa is a fearless man who took on the position of represented trans-sexuals on a celebrity level.

Man 1: I heard Lady GaGa was a man
Man 2: So did I!, lets find out at a concert!
Man 1: Good idea.
.....while at the concert.
Man 1: She looks like a man
Man 2: Look! There are balls hanging out of his skirt!
Man 1: What the FUCK! Lets get the FUCK out of here!

by NH92 February 18, 2010

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Lady Pants

A term of endearment between two female (or feminine-natured) friends.

Hey Lady Pants, how's it goin'?

by Stripe Tease January 7, 2011

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Lady Pop

Vaginal fart, or any audiable noise from the vulva made during sex. See Queef

I made a lady pop, yo.

by GooberGoot May 9, 2006

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Lady friend

A friend that is like your girlfriend but isn’t your girlfriend. A lady Friend.

Moshi: dude is this your girlfriend?
Ryan: no she’s my lady friend

Girl: I’m not his girlfriend....yet

by PrincessAdams April 27, 2020

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lady nagant

The best character is my hero academia

β€œWow I love lady nagant”
β€œMe too she’s totally badass”

by Nananananana July 13, 2021

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Lady Grizz

What you call your tin of Grizzly (chewing tabaco). You could also have a Lady Skoal, Lady Kodiak, Lady Longhorn, etc..

Your Lady Grizz will never leave you, will always be ther for you, and will never dissapoint you. LADY GRIZZ IS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHAT A WOMEN SHOULD BE

"cant wait to see my Lady Grizz when I get home"

a) "dude can I grab a lip from you?"
b) "ya man, my Lady Grizz gets around"

by Moose Knucle February 10, 2011

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Lady Baller

A classy lady who's so baller that she just constantly lives the good life.

Angela's so lady baller that she spends most of the day eating filet mignon in a bubble bath. Not sure how she affords it, must be through that harem of side-ho's she keeps.

by Jah G April 7, 2015

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