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1) a sweet tropical fruit which is green to red on the outside and yellow in the inside
2)I guess you could also use it to represent an extraordinary person with summer vibes who is full of life and brings people joy.

She is definetly a mango! Whenever I'm around her I feel good!

by Mangogirlyeathatsme March 8, 2024


mango is yummy

eat mango cuz it looks as good as it tastes

by Bonjour amegio February 11, 2022


Mango er et udtryk brugt i omtale om en person der er "skør/loco"

Ordet stammer fra den kendte Monster: Mango Loco.
Herfra har ordet taget fat på det danske hverdagssprog, og er ved at stige til top over et at de mest bruge slang-ord i dagligdagen.

Rygterne i gaden lyder også på at svenskerne har taget ordet i brug, og da ordet er internationonalt, så skulle det ikke undre mig hvis jeg hører en tysk cykelist råbe "MANGO" næste gang jeg sejler til gran canária på min gummiged.

Person 1: Jeg har lige set en måge stjæle en pose Carletti Mini P-Tærter fra den gamle dame i elevatoren.

Person 2: "Bro, fuck det var mango sagt." / "Er du helt mango? " / "fuck hvor du mango.

by Dendanskeordguro April 18, 2024


A secret word often used among small groups of friends so that they can look at the person who is doing something weird or is being wierd

Arianna : MANGO

Friends: omg Daryk has turned his eyelids inside out 🤣
Arianna: I'm glad you caught the mango on time !😂

by I told you to look this up 😈 September 5, 2020

Mango Delight

A sexual act where one licks from the crux of another’s asscrack down to the hole and inserts the tongue and spins it in a circle

Damn bro she was so good, gave me the best mango delight of my life.

by Crsp November 9, 2021

Green Mangoe

A succulent Vitoria Bitter, best served at room temperature out of a can.

Can't wait to knock the top of a few green mangoes this evening with the boys!

by Wimbus April 16, 2017

Mungo the Mango

Mungo 'the Mango' the 3rd of the British Empire is also known as the lame assistant sheriff and game warden commander

"Look at Mungo the Mango, hes such a Rat!"

by TheReal4206969 February 24, 2021