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sugar cuts

Sweet beats, tunes or lyrics

“....so Shaheed came in with the sugar cuts....”
-A Tribe Called Quest

by EKBA October 19, 2018

Downloader's Cut

A film you get by P2P which has obvious signs of having been tweaked, have changed formats several times and it's lost all of the technical qualities.

John: "Wow she didn't finished talking and the film jumped ahead!"
Mary: "Yes, it's a downloader's cut edition!!!"

by Xavier Plagaro April 15, 2008

Smyrna Cut

Hair cut in which head is shaved and bangs are left, usually to be curled under and left to dangle over the forehead.

That dude still got a Smyrna cut from middle school!

by ahaley616 September 19, 2011

nyan cut

Typo of "nyan cat". It's also a term to what you see when you cut yourself while intoxicated. The acts of seeing rainbows instead of blood creates a "nyan cut".

Guy 1: Yo dude, check out my nyan cut! I bled so many colors last night!
Guy 2: That shit's intense, yo.

by Some ginger January 16, 2012


This describes a haircut that looks like the stylist was either blind or tried without looking.
Also why you don't see a school for blind hair stylist.

Who do you think you are? Stevie Wonder? That haircut looks awful! Is that a braille-cut?

by Sean Day Lou Swahili Swag September 9, 2016

Jude Cut

Basically when you shave your entire head and look like you got drafted

Dude: Yooo Lucas nice Jude Cut

*dabs him up*

Lucas: Thanks man I got it yesterday

by PondemonX December 5, 2021

cut slutties

An Australian term used for driving laps around a town. Favoured by bogans and muzzas.

I'm bored. Let's find some chicks. Let's go cut slutties.

by Disto December 31, 2011