Source Code

Oscar the Grouch

After you finishing fucking a girl, you pick her up and throw her in a trash can before she has time to put her clothes back on

This girl I was banging was probably one of the worse fucks ever, so after we finished I gave her an Oscar the Grouch. I don't think she'll be calling back soon.

by This Chick September 9, 2005

11πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

oscar meyer

a big old black weena

-you gonna back it up?
-I dont back shit up, im just gonna wave around my big old osca meya.

by Anonymous May 24, 2003

8πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Oscar Meyer

The feeling you've seen this bologna before.

Dad: Why didn't you do the dishes? Son: I forgot. Dad: Definitely feeling some Oscar Meyer.

by Problematique February 4, 2009

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Oscar the grouch

As Mantoothe began trying to settle down with a woman by the name of Julian Laockland, who was a woman from the slums of England, he ran into a snag. His mother, who had grown acustomed to the lifestyle of the rich forbade him to marry the beautiful, yet poor, Julian. This
Threw Oscar into a frenzy. He left his home, and money, and married Julian, never to see his mother again. He then eventually moved to the US (with his new wife and newer child, and became a hobo) and began his acting career. Making music along the way with hits such as "I'm Here to stay, in my garbage can", "Go fuck yourself Old York", and "I hate england". After living on the streets, gaining a new house from the music industry, he developed a sickness commonly known as "The Green Night", scientifically, known from the book of Terahaut Shillo Nextia, is known as Halifax Jinxed Grennhaim. Translated by

Frankie Two Tone as "The Green Wolf Syndrom", the doctors said there was nothing they could do. He would eventually be covered with green hair all over his body. There was a plus to this, they said he would live longer than any one else. Thousands of years. He became very sick one day and as the weeks passed he became fully covered in hair. His wife and now three children took very good care of him. And now he plays the Grouch part on Sesame Street. He is still very much alive. And yes, he is only in character as the Grouch. He actually a very Pleasent soul to live with. And in an interview he has this to say "I thank my beautiful wife and my beautiful children for keeping me alive. Even though they have passed on, I still love them." His family passed on and now he is a grouch from time to time, but he trys to stay loving because his wife always was. And his kids would have hated to see him grouchie.

He was a loving and devoted father and husband.

by Kick ass action kung fu grippin bastard ass July 31, 2004

8πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Oscar Iannone

Oscar Iannone is a very talented and extremely adorable and cute 16 year old boy. He is known for his Tik Toks on the account of oscywinter although he does have another account which is oscariannone but is shadowbanned. Oscar is a very kind and caring boy and you would be very lucky to have him as a friend or to even know him at all, I hope I get to meet Oscar Iannone one day.

Girl: β€œOscar Iannone is so kind and cute!”

Girls friend: β€œI know right, anyone would be so lucky to be friends with him, he’s one in a million!

by simp for Oscar Iannone November 14, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Oscar Mayer

A nickname for MY BIG FAT COCK.

Suck on this Oscar Mayer before I cut your bitch ass.

by Fuck You July 14, 2002

12πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

oscar the grouch

(n) The passed-out girl you "have you way with"

(v) The act of "having your way" with a passed-out girl

1. Damn Billy-Bob, I fucked that Oscar the Grouch who passed out in the haypile during the drunken barn dance last night. I fucked her HARD.

2. I don't know what was more wrong - giving that 7 year old girl a beer, putting a roofie in it, or Oscar the Grouching her afterwards.

by Lenny the Fourth August 8, 2005

8πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž