A setup in a video game that allows a player to amass items without doing anything. Often associated with the game Minecraft.
I built an AFK farm for sugarcane to run overnight.
Was used in Minecraft and Roblox for get more items without controlled by a player or auto controlled
This is why how afk farm for roblox game called build a boat also watch jessetc channel for more roblox build a boat afk farm stuff
The position in a horse stable that collects prizing winning sperm from a Triple Crown horse.
'That American Pharaoh is going to Farm Handy heaven!'
A term popularized in 2020 by an East Coast software developer to describe conducting business transactions illegal in one jurisdiction remotely from a location that is legal for such an activity.
Remote farming
Growing weed is illegal in Georgia. You need an autonomous software agent to remote farm the plants from a legal state, and still claim your product as locally sourced in Georgia.
Online gambling is illegal in America. Remote farm your website from Costa Rica.
Originally used to say "you left the door open", based on the fact that farms don’t have doors to be shut because there outside.
More recently, it has been used to simply indicate that a person is ignorant or uneducated as if they were brought up on a farm.
"it's really cold outside and you left the door open! were you born on a farm?”
Sweat shops comprised of rows of women hooked up to breast pumps to produce breast milk for body builders in the early 90s.
Joshua: Hey Mike, did you swing by the Dairy Farm?
Mike: Hell yeah brah. I got the breast milk. Will you spot my bench?
Joshua: Totally bro.
A farm that works directly with chefs at nearby restaurants to raise or grow animals or produce specifically for the restaurants' seasonal menu. Contrast with farms that grow for farmer's market and/or CSA sales.
They run a culinary farm: they don't sell at market, only to restaurants.