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Sharing the duties of bringing up your child(ren) even though you both hate each other.

The father is most likely a prick who thinks he is daddy of the year because he's changed a nappy but will most likely ring his Mammy so he can go and get pissed with his mates as he has no will power and is simply a waste of space.

All the mother wants to do is pick an argument and find out who and what he has been doing and is a jealous bitter bitch. She gets her hopes up most of the time.. is always crying and having a rant about the father.. probably putting sly digs about him on social media etc...

'How is the co-parenting going mate?'
'When we aren't arguing yeah it's all good, I've got my Mum to watch the kid tonight so lets get pissed!'

by LBee1993 October 2, 2018

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Onigiri Parents

Parents who are white on the outside, but Asian all the way through. Named after a type of rice cake from Japan that uses white rice.

Same unbalanced focus on grades/academics at expense of all else, same overbearing and overprotective nature, same perfectionist kids who burn out from anxiety.

Scott: Fuuuuuck, my parents yelled at me all night for getting an 89 on the last exam. I still have a 4.1 GPA, so I don’t see what the problem is. I can’t handle my parents anymore.

Richard: Sounds like a classic case of onigiri parents.

by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling April 18, 2022

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asian parents

So a lot of the asian parent definitions are actually really really extreme ones. Asian parents will hit/whip you with chopsticks or belts when you're young but will probably stop when you get into middle school. They definitely hate any mark under a 90 cause you need 90s to get into good universities. they'll sign you up for a lot of extracurriculars when you are young so you'll be ahead of the class, though things like piano class or art class will tend to die down once you get to high school because it's "not important anymore." they will compare you to others which does lower your self esteem but they also have some reasoning inside of them as well. they will let you go out with your friends, they'll let you get a boyfriend if you're in your last few years of high school, and they actually do care and try to empathize with you if you're seriously bawling your eyes out.

That's my definition of a moderate asian parent

Asian parents aren't that strict you know.

by riceisguud July 13, 2018

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parental unit

(1) Parents who are over-protective or over-restrictive.
(2) Parents who control every aspect of their child's life.

-The idea being that they are so predictable that they are like computers and/or robots.

I doubt that I'll be able to get that past the parental unit.

by Johnathan The Poignant May 30, 2005

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Parent banning

Anything that overprotective parents may consider vulgar or inappropriate and/or may contain foul language and cursing. This includes:

"You better not be watching PewDiePie again."
"I'm not!"

"I'll be parent banning you from YouTube."

by Patchie-Wordz October 12, 2017

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Being parent-fluid does not mean that you lack parents. It indicates that you choose who your parents are.
Your selection is based on personal preference. You may elect to keep one of your own parents and discard another. Or you may choose to keep both birth parents. An alternate scenario is when you have lost one or more of your parents due to abandonment or death. This issue can be easily remedied by selecting one or more parents from the pool known as the human race.

Parent Fluidity means that you do not need to keep your parents forever. Once they have expired or irritated, you may spin the wheel and choose new ones. There is no limit to how many times you may amend your parentage.
You also can be loud and proud of having no parents. We support that lifestyle choice too.

I'm parent-fluid. I'm not able to keep a relationship going with Dad as he talks too much, so I have replaced him with Mike the butcher for the time being. If Mike doesn't work out, I might stay parent-less for a while or see who else is out there.

by Oranges'n'Mangoes October 8, 2019

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Parental Misguidance

Taking your child out on the lash. The first reported case was Touriye in Salou. Having your child/ mascot suffer injuries in your care. e.g having their head bitten off or being buried alive.

There was some parental misguidance going on in the club last night.

That lass is subjected to parental misguidance every night of the week.

by I'm in a glass Cave of emotion May 31, 2011

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