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Pi Politics

The use of different values for the irrational number π to poke fun at the differing polarized views parroted by mostly hypothetical or morally bankrupt politicians in the land of senseless deaths, which occur practically every day due to zero public ban on guns.

An example of pi politics among ultra-MAGA voters is:

Trump: π = 22/7 (because it is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle).

Pence: π = 3 (because the Bible tells me so).

DeSantis: π = x, where x is awaiting final approval by “woke” censors.

by Fasters May 7, 2023

15👍 19👎

political correctness

Something I flatly refuse to conform to

What do you call a spade?

Average person: I call a 'spade' a 'spade'
PC dimwit: I call a 'spade' an 'excavation instrument'
Me: I call a 'spade' a 'fucking shovel'!!!

by Quicksand Jesus April 19, 2004

5626👍 489👎

pussy politics

The act of a person sleeping with someone else only for material gain

Man 1: Dude did u nail ole what's her name

Man 2: Yea but she only let me beat becase of my house, money, cars, and the fact that I have job security and benefits....Damn pussy politics

by LT2BHooAh May 29, 2009

9👍 7👎

polite tits

Female breasts that are of moderate size. "Polite tits" are noticeable and may contribute to a nice figure, but are not so large as to attract the attention or interest of hard-core "tit men" or to become the subject of breast jokes. Polite tits may attract your attention, but they don't demand it.

Jane had nice, polite tits, but Joe was looking for a girl with some real hooters.

by vonTrips August 21, 2009

7👍 5👎

Student Politics

Wearing bright, gaudy clothes with lots of corporate sponsors and yelling/prancing in a public area for attention, cryptically linked to some vague cause.

I saw some members of our campus student council today; they were being loud and throwing water balloons to save Tibet.

If you are keen, love attention and yet are lacking in the departments of taste and dignity, give student politics a try!

by beaster595 March 19, 2011

4👍 2👎

Street Politics

The rules of laws people of the streets follow. Rules of loyalty, trust and doing whatever necessary to survive. Usually coming form impoverished beginnings, street politics is a way to civilize the environment, usually with illegal measures.

"you from the burbs bro, you wouldn't understand street politics."

by trillest eva March 25, 2022

7👍 4👎

politically retarded

To be politically retarded you have to be a sheep that only has your political views because an influencer you like has them, not because you agree with them nor because you understand them, you parrot whatever the influencer says without actually looking into what they truly mean. So whenever you get any opposition to these views you're cornered, you don't know what to do at all except regurgitate what you were already saying instead of proving why what you're saying was right. Also to be politically retarded you have to care about politics outside of the country that doesn't directly affect you/be underage like come on you can't even vote nobody cares about your political opinions

Person 1: should I be concerned that all my friends are saying that they stand with Ukraine?
Person 2: Nah, they're just politically retarded

by Thescrewremover March 7, 2022

4👍 2👎