The easiest way to put it is “Grace Hovey”
Oh look there’s Grace the slag
A girl who fucks too many boys and hangs around too many boys aswell
“OMG she already dated 9 boys and now she is going for another one , wtf she is only in Year7”
“What a slag”
pejorative term for a guitar player with less than acceptable level of skill, especially when compared to the person using the term.
Used in the late 20th Century in New York City.
So this dude sat in with us at the party we played but he was a slag, couldn't even do a 12 bar blues number.
1) Noun - the waste matter produced from refining metals from their ores.
2) Adjective - A promiscuous person (i.e slut, ganga, whore), all used up by others through sexual acts.
Noun) we need to dispose of that slag.
Adjective) your mum is a slag!