It’s an urban legend that when someone thinks of you, you’ll sneeze.
Therefore, when someone thinks of your dick, it shall sneeze too.
John: Man, I think I’m sick, my dick has been sneezin’ a lot lately.
Carl: Smh my head my head, it’s just a dick sneeze man. Must be Jessica from last night.
The sputum-like seminal juices occurring post-climax in pleasant spurts
He dick sneezed on my face the moment I achieved clitoral orgasm
Busting a nut. Ejaculation. Cumming
Its like my dick had a cold- she was sucking it till my dick sneezed all over her face ( breasts or anything else someone may come on). Also - my dick must be allergic to pussy my dick sneezes everytime i get into one.
The Seattle-sneeze I have this week is worse than the Wuhan-flu I had last month...
If you sneeze at night that means you should call biman.
I just sneezed at night i should call biman.
when a bigger guy has sex with a smaller guy -- and everyone's afraid that one sneeze would snap the smaller guy in half!
I was out at 440 Sunday night, when this "sneeze and snap" come on to me, obviously wanting some hot sex!!
When someone fingers your asshole with pepper and you and your body retaliate by ejecting a liquid sneeze from said anus
“Yo stop fingering I got an asshole sneeze coming”