The opposite of touch some grass. It is because touchscreens are glass
I love being outside.
Bro touch some glass
When you reveal information or details about something .
Also, clarify or help people understand something.
We've hired a private investigator to help shed some light on the matter of the cheating, he gave us the most revealing pictures.
The act of (throwing) or striking with your elbows in a violent mannor. Often used as a way to inflict pain in a fight, destroy or damage propert, or possibly to clear a path for yourself.
"Niles said he was gonna Throw Some BOs if the tool in the Ed Hardy tiger jacket didn't get away from him.
When someone does something hella foul or acts like a bitch
Yo, Jason dropped out of Santa's Club and didn't even tell the crew. Ain't that Some Bitch Shit?
The act of hooking up with a chick and becoming intimate with her private lady parts. An obviously naughty reference to Goldilocks and the three bears where it was presumed that Papa Bear had the hottest bowl of porridge in the household. A calm, respectable reference to hooking up with a chick without saying any dirty words.
Steve: Wow! That chick in the blue is into you.
Chris: I know. She's buying some shots of Jagermeister. After that we're goanna go back to her place and I'm going to get some porridge.
to cop balls; the action of copping balls
“yo good morning, time to cop some balls!”
“i just failed my test, i really copped some balls on that one. you know?”
To make something happen/Get things started
Yo brittany lets get to the club and turn some corners