A stick used to stutch a fire, move around the logs, an outdoor fire poker
Use the Stutching Stick to situate that log on the fire better
When you get an unexpected onion ring mixed in with your order of fries.
David went through BK drive through and was pleasantly surprised when he found a “hoop in the sticks”.
A phrase used to describe a weird person or a jerk.
Chidi looks like a shit on stick.
used to refer to something that's not really worth much and therefore not worth discussing
Dude you guys are arguing over 5 cents on Venmo, it's dicks and sticks, relax.
A thin flexible stick your parents use to beat you. They will usually ask you to go get it for them.
“Raylan you bes have cleaned your room.”-Mom
“Uhhh, I sorta maybe forgot to clean my room.”-Raylan
“Go get me a switch stick so I can beat your lazy a**!”-Mom
as the queen herself lady gaga once said: “its penis”.
“I wanna take a ride on your disco stick”
“you go get you some disco stick girll”
a cheesy stick that causes instant orgasms in your mouth
MIke: dude this bosco stick is so good
Nick:Yeah its like an orgasm in my mouth
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