On March 21 you can punch anyone over 5'8 in the balls. As much as you want. Do it.
Man I'm dreading National Punch Tall People In the Balls Day! My balls have not recovered since the last one!
Next to having little hands and little eyes, Tiny Todd "Tippy Toes" Howard is known for walking around in high heels and tellin' great big lies. His long-suffering wifelet says that he's got a little schmeckle and tiny little teeth. He wears platform shoes on his nasty little feet. When detected in public it's evident that he's got little baby legs and that he stands so low, even a child would have to pick him up just to say hello! He should get in his little car and just go beep, beep, beep because nobody cares about his deceptive manletspeak. We don't want no more tall tales around here.
Manmore 1: Oh great, Bethesda is releasing another overpriced shovelware role-playing game soon. Little Napoleon Howard promised to finally add a height slider to the character creation menu this time. Manmore 2: That's just another one of Todd Howard's tall tales! That dwarfishly stunted, petite and effeminate microscopic runt of a homunculus Ewok sissy manlet boy is way too insecure about his laughably girlish height to ever permit such a thing. Manmore 1: What a meddling manlet he is! Short people got no reason. Manmore 2: Hahahahaha!
On the 30th of november is Slap a tall person day is a day where all people especially tall, are required to allow average height and shorter people to slap them throughout the day. If a tall person rebels or retaliate (such as slapping back) they are required to send a love poem to their crush or allow people to expose any secrets about them regardless to any actions taken beforehand to prevent this.
"All these tall people are so annoying slapping me all the time"
"Bro its slap a tall person day you can slap them back or expose them"
appreciating ur friends 5’9 and above on July 15th. they deserve some appreciation for being built like a stringbean
hey! did you know that it’s tall friend appreciation day? ask your tall friends how the weather is up there!
October 25th.
For all the short boys out there, take this day to bite the ankles of your tall oppressors.
Feel free to bite their ankes with no consequences
Mason: Oh man herbert, I can't wait to bite Jimmys ankles tommorow!
Herbert: Short supremacy!
Mason: I love National bite tall people's ankles day!
1. to be four feet tall and have no teeth
2. to look like ass
Robert-I have a GIRLFRIEND
Zach-dude shes four foot tall and toothless
Robert (puts his pointer finger and thumb on his nose and looks side to side)