I woke up and immediately knew i took a trip down herpes cave.
Any multilayered stuffed dessert consisting of 5 or more dessert ingredients to include but not limited to; Reeses, cookies, cupcakes, pies, cake, and baked goods.
Originally created in a field training environment when a group of U.S Soldiers tried to create a birthday cake for their platoon leader. Using what leftovers they had from MRE's and what was left of their last chow distribution, they created the first Herpes Muff Cup (Hershey Kiss, Pie, Muffin, Cookie , cake and cup cake)
"Herpes Muff Cup" is a Hersey kiss stuffed in an oreo cookie, wedged between two Reeses cups. Stuffed in a cup cake then in a muffin. Added to a pie and put in a cake.
A pimple around and very close to the mouth.
Max: Woah, does Stacey have the herp?!?!
Jason: No dude, she is just suffering from a bad herpes pimple.
The thick, chunky discharge resulting from a bad case of the aforementioned sexually transmitted disease.
(see also: Chlamydia Chowder)
"I had to change underwear seven times already today because of some serious split herpes soup."
The filth that roams the street usually fighting Lucifer or some demonic portal.
Very contagious.
Spreads by not giving a fuck
Once you have it or are it, it's hard to come back.
Damn Tweakers.
"We were driving down the street and a street herpe approached the car and it asked for some change" "I think it touched the car, does your car have street herpes now?" *throws glass bottle at street herpe "that's the cure to street herpes, breaking glass on street herpes."
When you have an employee that flares up a few times a year, but you are helpless and can’t get rid of them because they’re related to an influential leader in the company.
Instead of running a competition for a new assistant I’ve been told Jim’s unreliable son will be my assistant… Jim fucked me, and now I have work herpes.
Any orifice of the body that is infected with herpes, although usually refers to the genitalia.
Person A: "Um, so can I crash at your place tonight?"
Person B: "What's wrong with yours?"
Person A: "My skank-ass roommate is going to be getting a dick rammed into her herpe hole"