The self-given name for the guy at the gym who thinks he's the shit, but usually isn't.
Jason: I'm the coochie killer...
Everyone else: ...
That one damn song that you can listen to forever and makes you feel like you could do anything.
''Hey Mikey are you listening to that AC/DC song again?''
''Yeah man, 'Ballbreaker' is definitely my killer track.''
a dumb garden gnome who likes to harass people online
that killer memestar sure is an idiot!
The most horrible creature man could ever face. So horrible as to communicate with no words telepathy and brainwash other innocent bunnies into thinking your an absolute freak unleashing an unruly mob until your horrible death is announced and they walk off with your prized possessions. Your house, your wife, your kids, your inventions, and your assets while your ex who may have been turned cashes out on your life insurance policy and start boning other men.
Killer Bunnies say nothing at all. Look how cute that bunny is.
Another word for the coronavirus. Old ass niggas die from this virus. Their weak ass immune system sucks so damn bad that they die instantly.
Oh shit my grandpa got the boomer killer. He shouldve never went to Wuhan.
Mom? Why is there a dead body under dad's bed? Is he the Zodiac Killer?
Its the nickname that only kids who live in miller place would understand, killer place has its quirks like the stoners who everybody loves, and it also has the best drama group on long island, but it has some cons aswell, you can walk down the street- oh wait you cant because people drive like fucking assholes on 25a, ok but you can be minding your own business in school and see how fake the mother fuckers in the middle school-high school are, and if someone threatens to shoot up the school(yk who you are) then the whole school just wont stop talking about it. ok well neither did i
Hey i got in a fight at Killer Place today