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Smurf Dippin

Its when yout fucking a girl in the porta-johns and while ur fucking her, you stuff her head in the blue water.

smurf dippin

by D-2008 June 21, 2009

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Papa Smurf

Term used to refer to the current Chapter Master of the Ultramarines Space Marine Chapter, Marneus Augustus Calgar.

You heard that jackass Matt Ward says Papa Smurf is the "spiritual liege" of all Space Marines? Man, that's just bullshit.

by Filthy Landlubber May 17, 2015

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Something smurf-tastic is like if you had the trifecta of ninjas, pirates, and robots combined with the power of Chuck Norris cameo's and jokes all riding on a Giraffe.

I had the MOST smurf-tastic weekend! Avatar is a totally smurf-tastic movie!

by wherami January 19, 2010

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Smurfed Out

Tripping on acid, or in other words feeling any sensation of extreme euphoria.

Yo dude, he's so smurfed out on that weed.

by Justin February 21, 2004

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papa smurf

An Alcoholic beverage containing 1/2 Blue Jolt, 1/2 Kool-Aid, and what ever alcohol you prefer, works best with vodka.

"I can't remember anything from last night, I was drinking papa smurfs all night."

by Scoops! January 21, 2010

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Papa Smurfed

Like Smurfing... when you bend your dick down as far as it'll go whilst hard, and let it go underneath the lucky lady's chin... if you catch it right, you cause her to bite her tongue.

"I can't believe he papa smurfed me! Bit my fucking tongue as well!"

by Justin Brighton September 23, 2007

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smurf dick

a guys balls are so tiny instead of blue balls he gets blue dick

I was taking a piss and I saw Jerred's smurf dick.

by Brennon Petrie November 8, 2007

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