Source Code

Toronto Turn in

Drivers in Toronto have a tendency to drive right up to the end of a lane when entering a highway, they also turn into the shoulder and drive a few hundred meters before pulling back into rush hour traffic.

Stuck in Rush hour traffic on the 401, see some idiot driving in the shoulder, passing a bunch of cars.

Continues to put his cars into both lanes while simultaneously honking and flipping the Turn in the bird.

by dogeman420illuminati97 April 23, 2013

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A sexual act preformed while driving. When a woman preforms oral while your driving, and you switch roles going down the road and begin to eat her out while she drives. Can be preformed at a stoplight or stop sign. Also known as reverse road head.

She was giving me roadhead, so after I finished we pulled a U-Turn at the stop sign.

by sparky1221 May 3, 2023

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turn out

(v.i.) a combination of the expressions "turn up" and "put out"; to let loose and party with the aim of getting laid.

It's New Year's, I'm still sober, and my pussy's collecting dustโ€”I need to TURN OUT!

by Little City Band April 25, 2018

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turn the dukes

shit on someones chest

he tried to turn the dukes on his girlfriend, but needed to take laxatives first

by Bill October 3, 2003

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turn the corner

While hungover from a night of debauchery the following day, beginning to sense the hangover leaving you, starting to feel better, etc. Characterized by mood shifts and a insane hunger to eat a shit ton of food.

Oh man, I got so wasted last night, and I've felt like shit all day, but I feel like i'm about to turn the corner now.

by lax bro44 October 3, 2010

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Crank a Turn

To masturbate while making a turn through an intersection.

Matt Dillon decided to crank a turn all the way to Milwalkee and back.

by Brian "Fernando" Fantana August 21, 2007

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(verb) the act of turning around and going back home after discovering the man on the street you've been fawning over is gay.

(noun) a gay man who's stunning looks shock the opposite sex

girl 1: omg, check this dude out! he's. . .

girl 2:. . . he's a u-turn, forget it

girl 1: not again!

by Bishie March 28, 2011

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