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Country music

A genre of music that 100% of people on this website bitch about nonstop, whether about how they think it's retarded or how they think it's been corrupted and so on. In reality, country music is just another genre of music that developed in the early stages of expansion in America, where the only instruments where handmade fiddles and such. The songs are understandable and about topics such as life, love, and loss. And just for the record, don't call country listeners retards because PEOPLE CAN LIKE WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT, YOU ARROGANT, CLOSE-MINDED DUMBASSES. You are not the authority on what is and isn't cool. I can respect what you like, but can you respect what other people like?

Country music is for the people who like it.

by A-person_yay April 28, 2014

53๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bandit country

Area in south London centered around Bermondsey, The bandits are a group of hardcore Millwall football fans, very dangerous on match days if ur not a millwall fan, is part of the area known as deep south.

Luton football fan: 'those guys in stone island tops are looking at us funny',
Bandit: 'fuck u lookin at?'
Luton fan: 'nothin so fuck off!'
bandit grabs luton fan by throat
Bandit: 'u wonna watch ur mouth bruv, ur in bandit country now and no one will know u were fuckin ere.'
luton fan gets battered by 10 Millwall bandits.

by london12 June 15, 2006

60๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

country slang

rural slang made popular by artists like nelly, ludachris, or too short. These terms are usually shortened versions of other words

"It's gettin hot in herre"

by Ken squires January 16, 2004

49๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

country nigga

A black person (usually a male, second-generation african immigrant) who lives in the suburbs and has no relatives or experience of impoverished inner city life, but takes great effort in making a big deal over the fact he's the only "black kid" in his college/school. He will do this by wearing a du-rag and other overly hip-hop items of clothing such as ridiculously low jeans and hoodys (usually top designer brands and expensive.) G-Unit in particular is one of the country niggas favourate brands.

If they are from the UK, they will use American words such as "dawg" and "homie" and will also try to dress like an American M.C by wearing baggy white t-shirts and white du-rags. Always say things like "is it cus I'm black" and "I'm a black guy, I know about these things." These people are, of course, mocked by the real inner-city dwellers, whether they be African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian or white.

My mate is from Southend. He's a right country nigga.

by OiOiBoy July 8, 2006

43๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Elvis country

The part of the country where Elvis comes from. These territories are known for neocons, white supremacist capitalist patriarchy, and family values and a lack of a progressive economy where the new jobs created are at Walmart, thus making people dependent on religion and alcohol to explain their personal failures. Also known as fly over state, red state, or Dumbfuckistan. Generally where neckbeards and republicans live, and squirrel hunting is a primary source of dinner for most people who can't afford to feed their family, but must live within their means. Akin to death for people who have lived in more progressive areas.

The feds put Sammy in witness protection and sent him to live in Elvis country. He used to be the king of New York, now they got him stocking shelves in Walmart.

by hot east December 22, 2008

127๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž

country folk

someone country that thinks the urban dictionary is for them when it is really for city people

that country folk went on the urban dictionary

by gotcha6060 October 27, 2014

15๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Country Clublican

All fat rich white Republicans that frequent country clubs.

These doughy, nuckle bumpin', baby boomers are able to acquire wealth while golfing-- all the while neglecting their families and the environment, treating anyone different from them with a special dose of smug contempt and smarmy sarcasm, and putting quantity ahead of quality in all that they do.

When not golfing, Country Cublicans can often be found smoking a cigar, while accumulating things in a suburban mall. They are especially skilled at making wife jokes while oggling teenage girls.

Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Country Clublicans.

by MeanJoeGreen May 4, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž