Better word than tabs
Bro he just took 19 tickets he's gonna die
Another word for persciption pills
did you go get your tickets today?
The price of something you paid for or somebody else paid for.
Damn I just dropped a ticket on these shoes!
To have sex with someone three times your age plus two
i.e. if you are 18, partner is 56
hey matey, I earned my steamer's ticket last night. I slept with an old bird on a cruise ship after she gave me a tug on the dance floor
Drugs that make you
Don't even try cop, Ain't no motherfuckin' drugs at my spot
All you'll find in my closet is the high tops
And my motherfuckin' ticket to the skybox
-- Ice cube - Good Cop Bad Cop
Using a razor to make a ticket out of skin
Bro1:Dude I have my balls and I made a skin ticket
The feeling that you have already sat in the same seat at a concert or event.
"I'm feeling ticket vu, Are you sure we haven't sat in these seats before?