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When you want to get fucked in the ass by your daddy while strapped to a c4 bomb

Slang me daddy

by Anonymousman69420 February 25, 2023


WTF~ What the f*ck, or, where the food.
CBA~ Can't be arsed.
WYD~ What you doing/ done
WUU2~ what u up 2.
FML~ f*ck my life
FFS~ for f*uck sakes
SYD~ Shake your head.

Person 1~Have you seen this slang??
Person 2~ ffs of course I have

by Someone_with_a_name March 12, 2018


A amount of terms that are used to shorten a word.

This is an example of slang: Don't be hatin'

by happy turtle 715 December 15, 2022


Slang (adj.noun.vb. as one wishes ) : a maleable word that can mean what a user of it,or a group,wants.The meaning of one can be changed at any point in time

-He was threatening me so i slanged the bastard.

-He was too slanged to get home by himself.

Mark: You drank too much last night

Jhon : No i didn't

Mark: You were slanging all over the floor

-I parked my car on the slang and left.

by WetBoi&StoopidBish April 13, 2019


Slang means to flex at someone or something.

Dawg: Hey man, are ya comin' party today?
You: Yeah! Homie. Slang!!!

by JPBeatZzZ November 29, 2019


Slang is slang for "short language"

thanks is slang for thank you

by LeviGrump December 12, 2017


Deriving from other female describing words such as hoe and slut.

Jer’s slang woman was over to “write his speech” again

by July 21, 2021