When you want to get fucked in the ass by your daddy while strapped to a c4 bomb
Slang me daddy
WTF~ What the f*ck, or, where the food.
CBA~ Can't be arsed.
WYD~ What you doing/ done
WUU2~ what u up 2.
FML~ f*ck my life
FFS~ for f*uck sakes
SYD~ Shake your head.
Person 1~Have you seen this slang??
Person 2~ ffs of course I have
A amount of terms that are used to shorten a word.
This is an example of slang: Don't be hatin'
Slang (adj.noun.vb. as one wishes ) : a maleable word that can mean what a user of it,or a group,wants.The meaning of one can be changed at any point in time
-He was threatening me so i slanged the bastard.
-He was too slanged to get home by himself.
Mark: You drank too much last night
Jhon : No i didn't
Mark: You were slanging all over the floor
-I parked my car on the slang and left.
Slang means to flex at someone or something.
Dawg: Hey man, are ya comin' party today?
You: Yeah! Homie. Slang!!!