Source Code

Internet Typing Law

The Typing Law is a simple fact that typing in all caps breaks internet law.
Part two of the internet law states that typing in a manner alternating between capital and lower case letters as in the example provided below is merely a shallow attempt to appear cool and/or ghetto-fabulous.
People are advised to avoid breaking either of these laws at risk of angering the entire internet.

TyPiNg LiKe ThIs Is FrOwNeD UpOn As It MaKeS yOu ApPeAr ReTarded. This breaks internet typing law
THIS IS IN ALL CAPS! This also breaks typing law

by Masta_J February 6, 2007

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retarted type sindrome

this is for ppeople whp cant type worth shit like me.
qhwn ytour on aim and cant read the others message they have this !

retarted type sindrome

lollz123: hety whdsgs up ?
rofll3w5: huh ?
lollz123: oty6u knwo whats up ?
rofll: bye
lollz123: whnASD ? whatras di id fgol ?

by woahlove123 April 16, 2009

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type one diabetes

To the people who think you eat too much so thats how you get diabetes go suck a dick there are two types , type one is something your born with and its not your fault type two is when you eat too much

Type one diabetes is when your body dosent produce enough insuline

by Pevejend February 1, 2017

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blood type ab

the rarest blood type, if you have this blood type you should feel very special as you are very special

hey bro whats yo blood type?
blood type ab.
OMG thats the rarest blood type!
god you are soooooo special

by blood type geek March 20, 2014

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Real Gangsta Type

A Real Gangsta Type or RealGType, is a person who is a badass muh fuka who doesn't have to front like he's a badass. Basically, a RealGType is an individual who is inherently badass, and doesn't feel the need to prove himself to anyone.

A Real Gangsta Type is most infamously referred to in popular culture from the Getto Boys lyric's "damn it feels good to be a gangsta"

Other than that most RealGType niggas stay low-profile.

A "real gangsta type" nigga don't flex much cause a real gangsta type nigga knows hes got em.

by C-Money (aka Dream Team) February 4, 2012

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type r sticker

An adhesive piece of plastic that, when applied to a medium, increases it's speed. The affect is cumulative, hence more Type R stickers, the faster the medium will be. Often used in conjunction with cheap 14' plastic hubcaps, cheap purple tint, dorky wing spoiler, and fart pipe exhaust.

Frequently used by those who have a cheap slow Japanese economy car and wish it to compete with Ferrari's.

The affect works on cars, as well as computers, bicycles, and people.

"Yo dat be dope yo! That type r sticker adds 15hp to yo Civic DX automatic brotha! Let's go street racin'!"

"Maybe you need some more type r stickers, ricer!" from a Mustang (aka a real car) driver

by Annorax October 25, 2004

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Teen "Text" Typing

(n): The utter display of ignorance and laziness protrayed by todays youth due to the onslaught of technology. Usually seen in any form of screen text communication between teens (as well as some adults trying to look cool) and the rest of the free world. Denoted by its lack of vowel use completely, substituted by numbers, and use of repeating last letters. Many times characters such as "&" and "@" will be used as well. Not directed at commonly used shorthands like LOL and FTW. See examples!

Teen "Text" Typing is Awesome!!
"Heyyyyy!!! Wuz up wit u 2 nite! Tex m3!"
"Omgggg.....Blaineeeee iz so hottttt!!! He iz only 4teen!"
"R u cumin ovr 2nite! KK! C u l8r!!"
Typing in Myspace: "So WhUt R U DoIn 2nItE? We NeEd 2 HuK uP!"

by Southern Articulator December 23, 2009

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