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Walk legs

When all of your friends have a mode of transportation such as a bike or car but you are walking. ´I forgot my bike, so I just am going on my walk legs´

Origin: Comes from a Danish saying that can´t be translated - Gistrup Fab fucked four are the originators.

Are you on walk legs?

by themanwithlegs November 23, 2015

walk reggie

'Walk reggie' is an uncommon phrase used to describe smoking weed. Or 'bunning a zoot' commonly used by chavs. The phrase 'walk reggie' is usually used by young adults who haven't yet found their identity and still think that smoking marijuana is cool. These types of people usually think they are gods gift and that they can get any girl they want; frequently posting sexually explicit Facebook quotes and memes that are suppose to appeal to the opposite sex and is a way to tell the world that they are sexually active. However the need to post such context usually suggests that they tend to wank themselves to sleep with a box of tissues and a laptop instead of actually getting laid.

"Oi G, wanna walk reggie with me? Got that dank cheddar! dank dank cheddar

by RingRingKittenShutDown February 11, 2016

Walking the Plank

Walking the Plank - Verb: The act of snorting a line of cocaine off of the length of an erect penis.

Walking the Plank - Verb: After I snorted a line off her tits, the old lady decided to walk the plank, the tip of my dick got mad numb tho'

by ritualkiller69 January 13, 2016

Combe walk

A walk of incite, anticipation or contemplation which happens over the distance of about 2 miles, at 2am in the morning.

"wow man, im really worried about what is going to happen tomorrow"
"no worries, we will go on a Combe walk to calm you down"

by PeterFan April 22, 2009

Walk of Fame

The strut a person performs while dressed in the same clothes they wore the previous night as they leave someone's house, apartment, condo, dorm room, office, hotel, motel, car, forest, etc. after just having sex with someone who is WAY WAY above their weight class and who without consuming massive amounts of drugs or alcohol (voluntarily) would otherwise never be caught dead having a conversation let alone a sexual relation with said person.

Mike: yo dude, didn't you wear that shirt last night?!? Are you headed back to the house just now?!! Awww....you're doing the ole walk of shame huh bud?!?
Steve: walk of shame?!? What!?! Nonsense man! I hooked up with friggin Sheryl last night!!!
Mike: Whoa! Sheryl!! GTFOH!!! She's way out of your league!
Steve: I know! That's why I'm walking back to the house so slowly. I want everyone to witness my Walk of Fame!

by Ambiguousgenitals January 26, 2021


(wô'king'wōk) n. a person who has the uncanny ability to not think when woke ideology is questioned, disregarded, or under attack. When provoked, their zombie-like qualities takeover and they have been known to do anything to devour anyone who has the ability to think and is immune to woke propaganda. These individuals are not very strong when alone but when they are in a horde they can be a formidable force of destruction and mayhem.

I said, "Hello sir" to a 37 year old man named Richard who, I did not realize, felt like a woman today. The walking-woke amassed a group. Now, I have no job, am blacklisted from society, have been labeled a Nazi, and my family and I are being threatened with physical violence on a daily basis. I have been notified that this is the right thing to do since I am intolerant and not woke.

by HotCupofJoe September 5, 2023


The methodical and common practice of walking past all the lanes in a grocery store with your head cocked hard left or right to stare down the isles in search of the person you lost that is shopping with you.

Yo! Check out Sam, he lost Lolly in the store and he's busting out a mad grocery-walk.

by WindowLicker9000 April 17, 2010