Someone who ages rapidly and becomes heavily unattractive by the time they’re 40-45. Their peak age of attractiveness is 16-30. It’s an unfortunate disorder which commonly occurs in smokers and white men.
“Have you seen how Gregory Peck looks after his apperance in To Kill a Mocking Bird? He’s for sure gone through the Atticus Finch Effect.”
“Damn, I thought Paul McCartney from The Beatles was called the ‘cute Beatle’ for a reason. But now you can really see the Atticus Finch Effect in him.”
“Your mom has gone through the Atticus Finch Effect, she looks like shit now.”
When a group chat gets invaded by little retarded kids, referring to a telegram group that suffered this fate after a collaboration with the italian youtuber "Kallari XD" started
Nah man this gc done got struck by The Kallari Effect
when a public groupchat gets stormed by incels and social rejects, "Kallari" refers to a Fortnite youtuber which brought mayhem unto a once peaceful telegram groupchat
"man i can't believe the kallari effect struck this gc too"
When you have fallen in love with a girl named Ana
- You gave me the banana effect
When you put bananas or another type of strong scented food in a bag with other food and the other food starts tasting like banana or the strong scented food.
Oh no there are two bananas in my lunchbox and now my onion dip smells and tastes like banana! There's that diddly darn Banana Effect...
When a person reads a YouTube video title and gets convinced at first that it’s about the channel poster’s departure, only to watch the video and it’s about something else.
This was coined after Matpat leaving Game Theory, and causing some other YouTubers to leave too.
YouTube Title: The Future of the Channel…
Comment below video: Holy shit, I thought you were leaving for a second.
Reply: No, that’s just the Matpat effect calling to you.
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The effect which tc has on a female to get them to fall for him.
female: I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day even mid test.
male: just the tc effect